What to expect from 3D scanning from our dentist in Fulham

As technology advances, more and more dental teams turn to 3D scanning to get a better view of the oral anatomy. At Chelsea Green Dental, our dentist in Fulham uses this technology to plan treatments, diagnose problems and even create dental prostheses. 3D scanning is a valuable tool that has improved dental care for patients around the world.


What is 3D scanning, and how does it work?

3D scanning is the process of creating a digital 3-dimensional representation of an object or scene. The technology has been used in different industries for many years, but it is only recently that dental teams have started to use it in their work. There are many benefits of using 3D scanning in dentistry, and this article will discuss some of them.

3D scanning can be used for a variety of purposes, such as creating 3D models of teeth, jaws, and other structures in the mouth. This 3D information can be used to plan out dental treatments, such as braces or implants, and create custom-made dentures.

3D scanning can also be used to create digital copies of existing teeth; this can be useful for patients who have lost their natural teeth. The digital copies can be used to create new teeth that look and function just like natural teeth.

Our dentist in Fulham has used 3D scanning as a quick and easy way to collect data about the mouth in a non-invasive way, which means that it does not require any drilling or cutting. This makes it a much safer option than traditional dental x-rays.

How 3D scanning has changed dental care

3D scanning has changed the dental care industry by making it easier for dental teams to get precise images of their patients’ teeth. This technology helps dental teams diagnose problems and plan treatment more accurately. 3D scanning can also be used to create dental prosthetics and braces that fit more precisely. This technology is becoming more commonplace in dental clinics, and it is changing the way that dental teams provide care.

What are the future applications of 3D scanning in dentistry

There is no question that 3D scanning technology is revolutionising the field of dentistry. In the near future, it is likely to play an even more important role in dental care, offering a host of new applications and benefits.

Another important application of 3D scanning in dentistry is the ability to create custom dental implants. Using 3D scanning technology, dental teams can create implants that match the shape and size of a patient’s teeth. This not only results in a more natural-looking implant but also helps to ensure that the implant is properly supported and fits snugly in the jawbone.

In addition to these applications, 3D scanning technology is also being used for research purposes. For example, scientists are using 3D scans of teeth to study how different types of bacteria cause tooth decay. This type of research could lead to new methods for preventing tooth decay in the future.

Overall, it is clear that 3D scanning technology has greatly benefited our dentist in Fulham. In the years ahead, we can expect to see even more innovative and exciting applications of this technology in our clinic.