FAQs about root canals by our dentist at Chelsea Green Dental

When it comes to teeth and keeping them healthy, there are some instances in which brushing, flossing and rinsing aren’t enough.dentist-in-chelsea

If you have ever had a filling or crown come loose, or you have had the misfortune of suffering the loss of a tooth crown completely, then you know that you will probably find yourself in a great deal of discomfort. Not only that, it is likely you will need a root canal to either prevent or assist in the healing of an infection.

And when this occurs, you will very probably have some questions!

At Chelsea Green Dental, we are proud of our general dentistry service. Our dentist in Chelsea believes that prevention is better than cure and that maintaining your oral health is easier than fixing it when things go awry. Our team is experienced in every general dental procedure, from a scale and polish to endodontics, to ensure you and your mouth stay as healthy as possible for as long as possible.

So, what are some of the most common queries that our dentist in Chelsea receives about root canals?

Does a root canal hurt?

In a word, no.

The association between root canals and discomfort is likely due to the discomfort that many patients are in when they visit our dentist in Chelsea to have a root canal performed.

As all endodontics revolve around tooth restoration and the removal of the infection from the pulp, you will feel a reduction in discomfort once we have completed your root canal. So don’t worry!

How long will it take?

This can be tricky to answer; should the infection or damage have occurred in one of your molars, our team may decide to spread the fitting over two sessions, as both roots will need to be cleared of infected debris and then filled.

If your infection was located under one of your front teeth, then we will probably be able to finish the treatment in one visit.

Will the infection come back in the future?

It is highly unlikely that once you have had a root canal fitted that there will be a recurrence of infection.

As a root canal involves the removal of the infection and then the filling of the tooth down to the root, it is unlikely that any bacteria will be able to gain access to the pulp. If, however, you notice discomfort after you’ve had your root canal fitted, please come in to see our team for some diagnostic assessments.

Will my tooth be fully functional?

This is the whole point of the procedure.

The aim of a root canal is to restore the tooth to its former condition, strengthening the internal areas with filling material and supporting the outer enamel with either a filling, crown or veneer. You should be able to bite into food and chew with a tooth that has had a root canal fitted without any discomfort. If you notice a twinge, however, call our team.

How long does it last?

With correct fitting, oral hygiene and maintenance (biannual check-ups!), your root canal should last the rest of your life without issue.

It is important to keep a check on it however, so always aim to see our team twice a year.