Chelsea Green Dental, a dentist in Chelsea you need!

Getting treatment at a dental practice can feel like a chore if you don’t go to the right place. Maybe it’s the sterile atmosphere, the uncomfortable seating or the dour receptionists? Maybe it’s the way you feel rushed in and out of the dentist’s chair? Or maybe it’s the fact that you have been referred to other specialists outside of the practice for more complex treatments? At Chelsea Green Dental, the aim of our dentist in Chelsea is to give a personalised treatment plan to all of our patients. We will work with you to decide upon what your needs are and how best to achieve the results you are hoping for. We have a team of dedicated and highly trained staff who are friendly, knowledgeable and ready to get to know you as they work at giving you a smile you can be proud of. There isn’t any reason for you to go elsewhere either. We have general dentists, as well as specialists in areas such as cosmetic dentistry, restorative dentistry, and oral surgery; we can even deliver facial aesthetics treatments to freshen your face to match your wonderful smile.


Facial aesthetics

So, we understand this may sound like a strange thing for a dentist in Chelsea, but yes, we do offer facial aesthetics treatments and no, it is not a disconnected idea at all. Dentists are experts in facial anatomy and are therefore well placed to administer treatments to this area. What’s more, they are also highly skilled at carrying out delicate procedures, so injecting the tiny facial muscles is far easier for a dentist than it might be for others.

Anti-wrinkle treatment

At our practice we want to help you freshen up your face with an anti-wrinkle treatment that involves injecting very small amounts of purified protein into facial muscles to help them relax. As they relax, the skin becomes more smooth in its appearance. The needle is very fine and the treatment only lasts 10 to 15 minutes. There is no downtime required, so you can pop in to see us during a lunch break if that suits you best!

Dermal fillers

Another treatment that we offer is that of dermal fillers. The concept of fillers is that where the lines have appeared on your skin, it is because the skin has lost its natural elasticity, as it stops producing hyaluronic acid as much as it did when you were younger. The fillers contain a synthetic version of this and the gel-substance is injected into the affected areas to give the skin the boost it needs to be plumped up and smoother in its appearance. Fillers can also be used in the lips, where they have become thin, as well as for reducing the appearance of scars such as those from acne. It is a non-surgical procedure and the effects last a few months before further treatments are required to maintain the results.

What next?

If you would like to find out about how we can help with facial aesthetic treatments, or any dental treatments, contact our dentist in Chelsea for an initial consultation. We will be happy to discuss your individual aims and create a treatment plan with you that you are fully informed about and happy to tailor with us to meet your needs. You can ask any questions you may have and we will take the time to ensure that you feel right at home with us from the minute you walk through the door. Visiting our dental practice should be an experience you want to repeat, and never a chore.