A short guide to dental implants from our dentist in Chelsea

When you have missing teeth as an adult, you are probably looking for a solution that is permanent and can offer you relief from the sore gums associated with dentures.dentist-in-chelsea

When you come to Chelsea Green Dental looking for a long-term solution to missing teeth, our dentist in Chelsea will assess your suitability for the game-changing restoratives that are dental implants.

Here, our dentist in Chelsea offers you a brief guide to dental implants, to help you decide whether or not you want to have them fitted.

What are dental implants?

Dental implants are, in short, small, titanium rods that our dentist in Chelsea will fit into your jaw to act as false roots for prosthetic teeth.

They are made from titanium (allowing them to fuse with your jaw) and while the most commonly used implant type is an endosteal implant, there are also subperiosteal, zygomatic and even mini options.

Once fitted and fused, implants can last for up to and over 15 years, provided that you maintain good oral hygiene and refrain from lifestyle choices like smoking.

How are they fitted?

You may have read some concerning stories related to the fitting of a dental implant, but we can assure you, it’s quite straightforward!

Our team will numb your gum and then make some small incisions into the pre-chosen area, peeling it back. If you already have an open socket, we will place the implant into it but, if you have lost the tooth many years ago, we will drill a new hole and place the implant.

Once all is fitted and we are happy with the procedure, we will sew your gum back together.


When you get home after having your implants fitted, take care to avoid eating hard, spicy or overly chewy food for a few days while your gums heal. For discomfort (which should feel no worse than a dental extraction), we recommend taking paracetamol.

Use a soft-bristled toothbrush when cleaning your teeth, but avoid cleaning near the implant site. Instead, use salt water to clean the area until the gums feel less inflamed.

Should the discomfort you feel around the implant site worsen, or if you begin to feel ill, feverish or notice that your skin is becoming pale and you are dizzy, seek urgent medical help and alert our team, as you may have an infection. This is a rare complication but it is still worth knowing the signs to look out for!


When you come to our team to have dental implants fitted, we must advise that you be as honest as you can with us about your medical history, your lifestyle and any medication you may be taking.

In relation to oral health, if you have gum disease, cavities or issues with your jawbone (density or loss), then these can all negatively impact on your ability to have dental implants. With your health, conditions such as osteoporosis can cause problems with implants, as can some medication used to manage autoimmune conditions. Also, if you smoke, our team will aim to assist you with cessation prior to having implants fitted, as smoking can pose problems for the longevity of oral implants.