A guide to porcelain veneers from our dentist, Chelsea Green Dental

Wouldn’t it be great if there was a way to whiten your teeth, while also concealing cracks and protecting against sensitivity?dentist-in-chelsea

Well, thanks to the Hollywood elite back in the 1950s needing to showcase the perfect smile, there is now an option that offers cosmetic advantages and more – it is available at most dental surgeries. Porcelain or composite veneers.

At Chelsea Green Dental, our dentist in Chelsea can offer our patients that Hollywood smile for a down-to-earth price. We have extensive experience with the fitting of porcelain veneers and would be happy to discuss your suitability for them at a consultation. So, call us!

Want to know a bit more about veneers?

Here, our dentist in Chelsea answers some of the most common questions asked by former patients about veneers in jargon-free language, to help you decide if they are the right treatment for you.

What are veneers?

In simple terms, veneers are thin pieces of either porcelain or composite which our dentist in Chelsea will fit to the front of your teeth. We can sometimes fit them to the back to protect against acid erosion or to strengthen a tooth that has been weakened by a root canal or damage, but for the purposes of cosmetic dentistry, we fit them to the front.

They are shape matched and colour matched to your teeth so, should you want an instantly whiter smile, we can achieve that using veneers.

How are they used?

As we mentioned above, they are sometimes used to strengthen a tooth and they can also be used to protect against sensitivity, by providing a barrier between any sensitivity causing stimuli and the root of your tooth.

Cosmetically, they are used to whiten, brighten, straighten and conceal minor imperfections, such as cracks and chips. They can also be used to lengthen shorter teeth, to give a better symmetrical look.

How are they fitted?

When we fit veneers, we will gently sand some of the enamel from the tooth where they are going to be applied; don’t worry, this isn’t uncomfortable!

Then, we cover the tooth with dental cement and press the veneer onto the tooth. After a few minutes, it is set in place and strong enough to eat with.

How long do they last?

With good aftercare, veneers can last up to or over 15 years. Treat them as you would your regular teeth; brush twice a day, floss and of course, attend regular check-ups with our team.

Other things you need to know!

When it comes to having veneers fitted, there are a few things that can cause them to fail prematurely or make you unsuitable to have them .

During your consultation to have them fitted, if our team spots signs of gum disease, we will need to treat this before we proceed, it is the same with cavities or other signs of decay.

If you are a smoker or drink excessive amounts of alcohol, this can also create a long-term issue for veneers. The swelling caused by gum disease can cause them to pop off and, if your gums begin to recede due to smoking or drinking, they are more prone to falling off due to exposure of their edges.