A brief list of FAQs about Invisalign from our dentist in Chelsea

If eyes are the gateway to the soul, then the smile and the mouth are universal indicators of someone’s health.

Not quite as poetic, but true nonetheless! dentist-in-chelsea

It has been known for a long time that a straighter smile, irrespective of age, is seen as more appealing and is better to have for good oral and general health. So, if you are included in the 1 in 7 adults in the UK who feel that their smile could do with a little bit of tweaking (without the use of heavy metal braces), then we may have the solution for you.

Orthodontics is a big part of what we do at Chelsea Green Dental, and when you come to us looking for a way to straighten your teeth as an adult, we may be able to offer you the world-famous Invisalign aligner. Removable, clear and easy to use, this aligner is ideal for adults who have work and family commitments, while also being visually discreet so as not to draw stares.

Never heard of Invisalign or want to know more? Read on for the answers to the most common FAQs that our dentist in Chelsea is asked about this orthodontic tool.

How does Invisalign work?

Invisalign works by gently pushing your teeth into their desired locations; it is made from firm plastic, which is fitted to your teeth using computer software.

As you wear each aligner (there may be up to 14 in one set that have to be worn in order), your teeth will move and, when the final result of that aligner has been achieved, the aligner will feel loose and you will need to move on to the next in the sequence.

What can it correct?

As our dentist in Chelsea will tell you, Invisalign is better suited to correct mild and moderate misalignments.

That said, it has been used by our team to correct over, cross and underbites, spacing issues, crowded teeth and general issues of misalignment. Ultimately, when you see us for your consultation, we will decide if this aligner will be able to straighten your teeth. We may decide to use a clear brace instead of Invisalign, to move you on to invisible aligners at a later date when the majority of the misalignment is corrected.

Can I wear it whenever I want?

Invisalign is removable and as such, we advise you to take it out when you are eating, drinking, brushing your teeth or playing sports.

But, for you to see any improvement in your misalignment with this aligner, you need to wear it for up to 22 hours per day, or as our team recommends. Don’t worry; the aligner is made from smooth plastic, so you will be able to sleep whilst wearing it without any problem!

How often will I need to attend check-ups?

With Invisalign, we will need to see you around every 6-8 weeks to check on progress. The aligner does have an app you can use to send our team weekly images of your smile to help us identify issues, which is really helpful.

Does it take longer than regular braces?

No; Invisalign takes on average 3-6 months to straighten teeth, whereas, for adult orthodontics, a regular brace can take up to 3 years.