A brief guide to dental crowns from our dentist

It is common to hear about people needing a dental crown, but in the world of general dental care and treatment, few patients are aware of what a crown actually is, what it does or even how it is fitted!dentist-in-chelsea

At Chelsea Green Dental, our dentist in Chelsea will always aim to restore your teeth and your smile to its former glory and, should you ever need a crown fitted, we will aim to make the procedure as straightforward and as comfortable as we can.

What are crowns?

Crowns have been used by dental teams to repair severely damaged teeth for a long time.

Should our dentist in Chelsea ever need to fit you with a crown, it will probably be because your tooth is too decayed, cracked or damaged to support a standard filling.

And actually, one way to think of a crown may be to see it as a very specific, fitted filling that will usually build on your tooth, restoring its height and strength. You could also think of it as a cap that is placed over the top of a tooth.

How are crowns fitted?

When our dentist in Chelsea decides a crown is needed, you can expect the fitting to take two visits.

The first of the visits will involve our team taking measurements of the tooth that needs the crown (this may require a mould to be taken), and we will also prepare the tooth for the fitting.

This will mean that we will need to clean the tooth, potentially remove sharper parts of it and shape it to accommodate the crown.

The second appointment will occur between 3-4 weeks after this, where you will have the crown fitted. It will be colour matched to the surrounding tooth enamel and we will secure it in place with dental cement. This will make it strong enough to eat and bite with and will ensure it should last for many years.

Why would I need a crown?

OK, so we mentioned earlier that you may need a crown if your tooth is damaged by decay, cracked or has become worn down by everyday use.

But there are other instances in which a crown may be the most suitable treatment option for you. If you have had a root canal, our team may decide to protect the work they have completed with a crown.

A crown can also be used preventively; if you have a tooth that looks like it is going to break, we may put a crown in place to stop this from occurring and to also prevent infection.

There are also cosmetic reasons to have a crown fitted; if you are having a smile makeover performed by our team, we may create a crown to improve the symmetry of your smile. Or, if you have had a dental implant, a crown is placed over the top of the implant, allowing you to bite and chew food properly once more, so that you have a complete set of fully functional teeth.